We are proud to announce that our new academic Advising Center is now open for new students! When you are ready to register for your classes, come and meet your first year advisor who will help you through the class selection process.  Our professional, full-time advisors are experts at helping you determine what classes you need to take and how to create your educational plan for your degree, diploma, or certificate. Once you reach 24 earned credit hours, your advisor assignment will transition to a faculty advisor who will continue to advise you and make sure you are on track for graduation.

We’ve created a helpful chart of advisors and programs of study to help you understand where to go and who to see when you are a new student at CCC:



The Advising Center is located on the first floor of the Jack Hunt Campus Center. Office Hours are Mondays-Thursdays from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm, and Fridays from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Summer hours vary. An appointment is not required, although we do encourage students to make appointments with their advisors as needed.


Tools to Help You Plan

Advising Center Staff

Advising Center staff

CCC offers lots of resources to you as you plan for your classes and your completion goals. Some of these resources include:

MyCleveland– in your My Profile section, you’ll find details such as your contact information, the program of study (major) you’ve chosen, the catalog year you’re in for graduation purposes, and your assigned advisor information.

Program Evaluation– helps you to identify the classes you need to complete your degree

Aviso- Log in and send your requested courses for an upcoming semester to your assigned advisor for approval. It’s that easy!

Virtual Transfer Advising Center- our Virtual Transfer Center website provides you with transfer planning documents, and information about NC universities and transfer information and events.

ACA 115 | Success and Study Skills- this course is designed to help orient you to our campus resources and help to hone your academic skills in order for you to be successful in college. Emphasis is placed on an exploration of facilities and services, study skills, library skills, self – assessment, wellness, goal – setting, and critical thinking. This course is required in the first 15 credit hours for students enrolling in Associate of Applied Science degree programs.

ACA 122 | College Transfer Success– this course is specifically designed for students who plan to transfer to a four-year university after completing an Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree program. We’ll cover the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement of NC, college policies and culture, career exploration, strategic planning, critical thinking, and communication skills for a successful academic transition. This course is required in the first 15 credit hours for students enrolling in our college transfer degree programs.

