Students on campus649Bailey_RoseNursing

Patsy Rose poses with Practical Nursing students.

Patsy Rose poses with Practical Nursing students.

During the 2015 calendar year the Foundation received $679, 195 in contributions from 130 individual donors. Additionally, the Foundation received $625,014 in new pledges to the capital campaign. As of December 31, 2015, the Foundation had a total of $1,854,987 in outstanding pledges.

The highlight of the giving year was the naming of the Jim and Patsy Rose School of Nursing. Mrs. Rose currently serves as the Vice Chair of the College’s Board of Trustees and Mr. Rose was serving his third term on the Foundation Board of Directors at the time of his passing in 2015.

A complete listing of donors to the Capital Campaign and CCC Foundation since 2003 can be found on the inside back cover of Career Focus. For more information or to give today, visit  Contributions are tax-deductible as provided by law and make a difference in our community.