
As a first generation college student, LaSha Harris was eligible to become part of the TRiO-Student Support Services program at CCC. This program allowed her to visit college campuses around the state and get the help she needed in filling out and submitting admissions applications. “As a student at CCC I knew my instructors and advisors really cared about my success and pushed me to do things I never thought I could do. They saw potential in me, that I didn’t see,” she adds.

Harris also credits CCC for getting her ready for life at a large university by preparing her academically, socially and personally and says that as a CCC student she took advantage of the many workshops offered through the Student Success Center. “Adjusting to life at a large university is not easy, but I had all the tools I needed and felt prepared. I remembered the things I learned in the time management, healthy relationships, and stress awareness workshops I took advantage of and that information has helped me tremendously,” Harris says.